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Vaughan In-Home Personal Training

Our Vaughan In-Home Training service is the ultimate in personal training, attention and results.   It’s our answer to the reality that sometimes, just getting into the gym – even if it’s in your own basement, building, work or condo – can be a real challenge. We’ll guarantee to teach you how to compliment your exercise experience both with a trainer and on your own, and show you how easy it is to begin a fitness program right at home.

For someone wanting to adopt a health and fitness regimen for the first time, or for someone just getting back into the swing of things, joining a fitness facility or working out in public can be a bit of a scary idea.  That’s why Pure Motivation Fitness makes it easy to start, stay motivated and get results.  It’s a fact that countless people avoid getting into a health and fitness routine because they feel self-conscious and distracted by bustling high volume, industrial big box gyms where it’s more of a meat market or social club and important to look or act cool vs. exercising and getting results.

These feelings are natural and perfectly understandable. And PMF has the solution for you – In-Home Personal Training. This premium service eliminates your concerns and allows you – and PMF – to place full attention where it belongs – on you.   Take advantage of our In-Home Personal Training program as a long-term commitment to your health, or until you feel like you are ready to join a fitness facility or continue on your own.

It’s Convenient, Cost Effective and a Realistic approach if gyms or time is a factor in your life.

Just imagine the convenience of getting personal training and nutrition counselling without ever having to leave home or work! All the necessary equipment is provided. All you need is a bottle of water and an attitude to get results! We take care of the rest. Currently serving Vaughan, Maple, Thornhill and Richmond Hill.

Perfect Solution for Clients Who:

  • Own their own company and have no time to travel
  • Have extreme or unpredictable demands on their time
  • Work from home
  • Always on call
  • Intimidated to join a gym
  • Are unable to attend a co-ed facility or require a female trainer
  • Have young children and aren’t able to get babysitting
  • Are pregnant and appreciate the comfort of home
  • Are injured or immobile or can’t drive
  • Want to combine their workout with a fun exercise routine for their children