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Part Three –40–49-year-olds. #FitnessFridays with Dimitri Giankoulas We begin with mindset, because everything begins with mindset, if you wake up in the morning and the life, your body, your work, you have, isn’t what you want, your mindset will dictate how the rest of the day, that week, that month, that year turns out. In your 40’s your margin for error is smaller and smaller, you can’t continue with the bad habits, those habits will catch up to you and will make your life even more difficult down the line. Sit down and write out what is great about your life and write down what is terrible about your life, be honest, be brutally honest and write it down on paper, that connection to paper will connect your mind to the truth about you. The truth is most people jump into a healthy lifestyle without a plan, they just start and 30 days later they stop, it’s even worse in your 40’s. They just don’t K N O W what and how to do it. They need data about their bodies, they need to know where they are, what their body is telling them, then with that data they can come up with a plan and handle a healthy lifestyle for the rest of their life. The words “I know” are the negative words in your life, the moment you tell yourself I know you brain shuts off and doesn’t want think. Use words like, I will, I am, I shall, I’ll try, these will help you learn and move forward. Training in your 40’s you have to consider mobility, foam rolling, relaxation, lacrosse ball, stretching, yoga, because your body is older, your joints are older, your muscles are weaker and smaller, you have to slowly ramp up as you get back in or continue to train.

A good coach will design a program for you based on body type, based on age, and based on muscular dysfunction, most people are afraid of doing any muscle training with the concern of bulking up, in your 40’s you have to really train to bulk up. This issue is this age group focusses on so much cardio, which is great, but they also need the muscle training. Dimitri dives deep into the eating and foods, portions, all kinds of great tips here. Leads us to MHG – Medical History Goals coaches need to know what prescriptions and health issues you are currently on, extremely important to share this information with all coaches. Check out his app on Apple and Android What an amazing show full of truth, pain, fitness, health, exercises and more, I thank you so much Dimitri for sharing so much on your life for our construction lives, educating our listeners on everything to do with your body, mind, and soul. Thank you. Find him on IG @puremotivationalfitness and @dimitrigiankoulas and contact him for your next exercise booking at [email protected] and his website is www.puremotivationalfitness.com and find his YouTube channel at Pure Motivational Fitness where he shows you key details to live a happy, healthy construction life. Want to reach out to Manny, text him on his mobile, 416 433-5737 and or email him at [email protected] or [email protected] Please let him know who you are and then ask away. TCL has and always will be about giving back to the construction industry. Reach out to Joe and Trevor at the following info. www.venturesxcanada.ca find them on Social Media @venturesxoakville reach them at 289 644-2393 and email [email protected]

Who is Pure Motivation Fitness?

  • We help busy business professionals & stressed moms & dads look better naked, regain their work-life-family balance & improve sex drive in less than 90 days.
  • We teach you to eat & exercise for your unique body-type.
  • No more obsessing about fitness
  • No more fad diets

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Dimitri Giankoulas

Fascinated since an early age by the potential of the human body, I have devoted my career and much of my private life to pushing beyond my own limits – and to lead others to personal health achievements greater than they thought possible. My level of commitment to each and every client is unparalleled in the industry. I try to bring energy, optimism, and pure motivational power to every one of his workout sessions. I have been in the fitness industry since 1997, working as a personal trainer, nutrition consultant, and ultimately Personal Training Director at various well-known gyms across the GTA. Combined I have over 11,000 hours of hands-on personal training experience.