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Hi everyone! Hope your amazing and ready to start a new week with a positive attitude, an appreciation for all that you have in your life, and an intentional proactive mindset that is geared around making sure you create time to exercise and eat healthily vs. fear exercise, hide from it or convince yourself that is not possible to add to your lifestyle!.

In today’s PURE Motivation Fitness Podcast I wanted to share some light on Natural, healthy Strategies on how you can Boost Your Immune System, Provide your body with the best forms of Immunity Boosting Foods, Vitamins & Minerals.

Today we are joined by Dr. Demetre Katrivanos how is not only an experienced veteran Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, Exercise Sports Nutrition Coach & recently newly Certified Fitness Coach! He has been in the industry for well over a decade and has been helping thousands of members both in and outside of PURE Motivation Fitness change their lives, change their mindset when it comes to eating healthy, and even changing their eating behaviors! Much of his success is due to his passion for exercise and nutrition and making them be a joint process and not two different factors that are discussed, handled, or separated.

Dr. Katrivanos is a licensed naturopathic doctor registered with the College of Naturopaths of Ontario. In addition to his degree in naturopathic medicine (ND). Dr. Katrivanos also completed and obtained his degree in conventional medicine (MD) from Saba University School of Medicine in the Netherlands Antilles. He has had training in a clinical setting at Toronto General Hospital and Toronto Western Hospital respectively.

Dr. Katrivanos has a centered-patient practice and his focus lies beyond the symptoms, and involves understanding and addressing the origins, prevention, and treatment of complex, chronic disease using a whole-body systems approach.

Today’s podcast focuses on the following topics below and we hope you find it helpful. If you do, we would like to if you can please share this with any friends or family you feel can benefit from hearing it. To learn more about Vaughan’s 1st and only Boutique Fitness Studio with over 60 Small Group Personal Training Fitness Classes each week, visit www.puremotivationfitness.com

-Mushrooms (Shiitake, Reishi, Cordyceps)
-Anti-oxidant family (berries, cherries, kiwi, grapefruit)

-B-Family of Vitamins
-Vitamin D

Coach Dimitri

Dimitri Giankoulas

Fascinated since an early age by the potential of the human body, I have devoted my career and much of my private life to pushing beyond my own limits – and to lead others to personal health achievements greater than they thought possible. My level of commitment to each and every client is unparalleled in the industry. I try to bring energy, optimism, and pure motivational power to every one of his workout sessions. I have been in the fitness industry since 1997, working as a personal trainer, nutrition consultant, and ultimately Personal Training Director at various well-known gyms across the GTA. Combined I have over 11,000 hours of hands-on personal training experience.